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5 Ways to Develop Your Intuition

Intuition is a tool that we all possess! Some believe it to be a mystical power. Others argue that it’s simply our subconscious trying to communicate with us. We all have that little voice that tries to tell us things from time to time, regardless of the source.

We often learn to ignore that little voice as we get older. We rely on logic and try to be practical. But we’ve learned a lot over the years, and there’s a part of our brain that has amassed a vast amount of knowledge. Listening to that little voice can be beneficial.

Try these techniques to develop your intuition:

1.      Meditate for a few minutes each day. One characteristic of intuition is that it has a soft voice most of the time. It can be challenging to notice it if our minds are busy with other things. Meditation is a great way to clear the mind and make room for our intuition to come shining through.

•        A simple technique to clear your mind is to simply count your breaths and attempt to stay focused on your breathing. Avoid letting your mind wander.

2.      Record your dreams. Our dreams can be full of useful information. Many psychologists believe that we work out our challenges in our sleep. It’s difficult for most of us to remember our dreams. Studies show that we average 5 dreams per night, and most of us are lucky to even remember one.

•        After you get in bed, tell yourself that you want to remember your dreams in the morning. Keep thinking this to yourself until you fall asleep.

•        Keep a notebook and pen near your bed. A voice recorder app on your phone can work well, too. As soon as you wake up, start writing. Dreams tend to fade from memory quickly.

•        Review your dreams and see if there might be any information you can use in your life.

3.      Follow your intuition. The surest way to shut down your intuition is to never follow it. Start using it in situations that have minor importance. It could be as simple as taking a walk and asking yourself which way you should turn at each intersection or fork in the road. 

•        Show your intuition that you’re listening and responding. You’ll be more likely to hear from it in the future.

4.      Busy your mind. Many people find that their best ideas come while their mind is busy, but not too busy. Some examples commonly cited include, walking, driving down the highway, taking a shower, and listening to the rain. Think about the times you’ve had great ideas. Try to put yourself in similar situations more frequently.

5.      Keep a journal. Take a few minutes each day to write in a journal. Sometimes, putting things down on paper opens a floodgate of ideas and inspiration. Study what you’ve written. You’re likely to find insights you haven’t considered.

•        Keep your journals in a safe place, so you’ll feel more comfortable with being honest and thorough.

Being in touch with your intuition can assist you in identifying and resolving stressful situations in your life. It also allows you to use your imagination and creativity. Your intuition is a valuable resource, but it must be nurtured. Begin with the simplest tasks. When your intuition has proven to be trustworthy, use it to make larger decisions.

Intuition connects us to our subconscious. It is the ultimate source of wisdom and creative energy for you. Utilize all of your resources to make life easier and richer.

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